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How to use the amplifier?

How to use the amplifier?

This article describes the methods and precautions for using professional amplifiers
Jun 22,2024
Introduce some common types of effectors

Introduce some common types of effectors

Types of Effectors: Balance Effector, Filter Effector, Wah Sound Effector, Overload Effector, Distortion Effector, Reverb Effector, Delay Effector, Chorus Effector, Frange/Edge Effector, Phase Shift Effector, Compression Effector, Noise Reduction Effector/Noise Gate, Treble Effector, Harmony Effector, Eighth Degree Boost Effector, Faze Effector, Excitation Effector, and Volume Pedal.
Jun 22,2024
The differences and advantages and disadvantages between active speakers and passive speakers

The differences and advantages and disadvantages between active speakers and passive speakers

The difference between active speakers and passive speakers lies in their diversity and singularity of functions
Jun 22,2024
What is the difference between a combined amplifier and a split amplifier?

What is the difference between a combined amplifier and a split amplifier?

Integrated amplifiers are more convenient and suitable for home use. Split type amplifiers amplify sound more professionally and are suitable for large occasions.
Jun 22,2024
The function of an amplifier, explain it clearly at once!

The function of an amplifier, explain it clearly at once!

This article describes the role of amplifiers in audio systems
Jun 19,2024
Do you want to buy a speaker or an amplifier first?

Do you want to buy a speaker or an amplifier first?

When pairing with a sound system, it is important to start with the amplifier or speaker.
Jun 19,2024
What is the relationship between amplifiers and speakers?

What is the relationship between amplifiers and speakers?

The amplifier and speaker are important components of the audio system
Jun 18,2024
Factors to consider when purchasing an amplifier

Factors to consider when purchasing an amplifier

This article summarizes the factors that need to be paid attention to when choosing a power amplifier
Jun 18,2024
How to solve the problem of the amplifier not making any sound?

How to solve the problem of the amplifier not making any sound?

This article discusses several key points for self checking if the amplifier cannot produce sound.
Jun 17,2024
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